Your success
is our success

We create shared, long-term values by giving people, ideas and businesses opportunities to achieve success.

Our philosophy

We plan for success, not exits. Therefore, we place high demands on entrepreneurs, management and employees sharing our values, on quality focus in relation to customers and society and on a clear business plan and strategy. With the PIA model – the right person, the right idea and the right deal – we create long-term success.

Vi är AM Brands

Vi planerar för framgång, inte försäljning och vi bidrar med kapital, kunskap och nätverk till bolag som skapar värde långsiktigt med hjälp av skalbara affärsmodeller.

År av erfarenhet
Investeringar i dagsläget
0 +
År i genomsnitt som investeringspartner

A part of Provobis

AM Brands is part of Provobis Family Office together with RCL Holding and we have interests and ownership in a number of different industries.